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Armenia Officially Declares June 17 as Father's Day

Armenia Officially Declares June 17 as Father's Day

The government of Armenia has officially established June 17 as Father's Day, marking the beginning of a new national celebration. This move is a major step towards acknowledging the vital role that fathers play in the family unit and the broader society.

The decision to create Father's Day aligns with the Armenian constitution, which emphasizes the state's responsibility in protecting and promoting the family. The government recognized that while Armenia has long celebrated Motherhood and Beauty Day on April 7, a day specifically honoring fathers was notably absent. This gap in the country’s national holidays has now been filled, allowing for a more balanced recognition of both parents' contributions.

Father's Day is celebrated in various countries worldwide, with the aim of honoring and expressing gratitude to fathers. It is a day to give credit to the sacrifices, contributions, and investments that fathers make for the future and well-being of their children and families. By officially marking June 17 as Father's Day, Armenia joins the global tradition of recognizing the important role of fathers.

This new holiday will not only be a day of celebration but also an opportunity to highlight the contributions of fathers in the upbringing of their children. It will serve as a reminder of the important role fathers play in shaping the future of their families and the nation as a whole.

The establishment of Father's Day in Armenia required amendments to the existing law on holidays and memorial days. These amendments will come into effect ten days after they are officially published, ensuring that the new holiday will be celebrated annually starting this year.

The introduction of Father's Day reflects Armenia's commitment to creaqting strong family values and promoting equality in recognizing the contributions of both mothers and fathers. It is a step towards ensuring that the efforts and sacrifices of all parents are acknowledged and celebrated.


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