Mayor of Yerevan Hrachya Sargsyan Resigns, “Mission Accomplished”

Yerevan Mayor Hrachya Sargsyan announced his resignation today, citing his mission has been completed.
“It was an honor for me to be the Mayor of Yerevan, to serve the city, and I will continue to serve the Republic of Armenia,” he said.
Sargsyan was elected mayor in December 2021 after the Yerevan Municipal Council ousted Hayk Marutyan in a no-confidence vote.
The council’s ruling My Step faction, allied to PM Nikol Pashinyan, accused Marutyan of failing to implement the party’s campaign obligations, most notably that of eliminating systemic corruption.
Sargsyan, in a Facebook post, writes he has ensured the implementation of the faction’s campaign obligations and has resolved the political rift between the Yerevan Municipality and the national government.
Former Armenian Deputy PM Tigran Avinyan, now serving as one of the Armenian capital’s deputy mayors, will head the Civil Contract’s ballot in the upcoming municipal council election that will decide who will become Yerevan’s next mayor.
“I hope the Party will receive the vote of confidence of Yerevan residents, and we will be able to continue to implement the priority programs for the city, which we started together in 2018,” Sargsyan said.