Azerbaijan's Escalating Arms Purchases: Ambassador Warns and Reveals 60-70% Sourced from Israel and Turkey

Azerbaijan is reportedly intensifying its arms acquisitions, including the purchase of drones and military equipment from abroad. Armenia's Ambassador to the EU, Tigran Balayan, sounded the alarm in a conversation with Brussels Signal, shedding light on suspected munitions purchases arriving on military flights from countries like Israel and Turkey.

Balayan revealed that a significant portion, estimated between 60 to 70 percent, of Azerbaijani military hardware originates from Israel and Turkey. This revelation comes as part of Armenia's ongoing efforts to track and monitor the escalating arms acquisitions by its neighboring nation.
The Armenian ambassador also raised concerns about increased military flights from Serbia, highlighting an announced agreement to sell sophisticated artillery equipment to Azerbaijan. This further compounds worries about the growing militarization of the region and its potential impact on the already delicate balance.
The recent Azeri attack in the Syunik province, resulting in the tragic loss of four Armenian troops, has added to the complexities of the situation. Ambassador Balayan suggested that the attack could be interpreted as Azerbaijan's response to heightened Armenian cooperation with the European Union. He emphasized that the incident occurred just hours before an EU-Armenia Partnership Council meeting, framing it as a deliberate message not only to Armenia but also to Brussels.
Characterizing the attack as a direct "challenge" to EU "authority" in the region, Balayan expressed skepticism about Azerbaijan's intentions to end the longstanding conflict with Armenia. Despite numerous warning calls, he noted that Azerbaijan continues its aggressive rhetoric, actions, and provocations, raising concerns about the prospects for peaceful resolution.