Tatoyan Foundation Exposes Disturbing Realities in Syunik: Ongoing Azerbaijani Threats and Aggression

Former Human Rights Defender Arman Tatoyan, accompanied by the Tatoyan Foundation team, has traveled on a documentary visit to Syunik, specifically Nerkin Hand village, to shed light on the disturbing situation unfolding in the region. The visit aims to document and address the challenges faced by the residents who have been deprived of the right to live a safe and normal life.
During their time in Nerkin Hand, Tatoyan and his team uncovered alarming facts pointing to recent incidents where Azerbaijani servicemen killed Armenian soldiers through shots fired from the invaded parts of Armenia, particularly targeting Nerkin Hand village.

The investigative visit revealed that Azerbaijani armed forces stationed near the village regularly engage in mine explosions and shootings in the immediate vicinity of their positions within the invaded territories of Armenia. Furthermore, the Azerbaijani authorities conduct military exercises at a distance close enough to the village, causing audible shots and explosions that disrupt the daily lives of Nerkin Hand residents, both day and night.

Residents live in constant fear, with Azerbaijani armed forces positioned in front of the village school, severely impacting the safety and freedom of movement for the villagers. Notably, 2,700 hectares of Nerkin Hand's territory have fallen under Azerbaijani occupation, comprising 2,400 hectares of specially protected lands, 170 hectares of forest lands, and 130 hectares of communal lands.

Adding to the challenge, over 1,000 hectares of land in the village are now in a dangerous zone, making it either impossible or significantly more difficult for residents to carry out agricultural or other types of work due to real dangers to life.

Arman Tatoyan emphasized the need to investigate the situation thoroughly, particularly in light of the ongoing crimes committed by Azerbaijani authorities against Armenia and its people. The question arises: Did "our military violate the peace of Azerbaijani soldiers," or are these actions part of a broader pattern of aggression?

The visit to Nerkin Hand serves as a call to ensure that the ongoing challenges faced by the Armenian population do not fade into the background of international public agendas. The plight of Nerkin Hand underscores the urgency of addressing and rectifying the situation to restore peace, safety, and normalcy for the affected communities in the region.
